The tracks contain all the regular values of the past 50 years of the Two-Days Walk: lots of nature, lots of open space, lots of villages and lots of monuments.

More details on the various courses will follow. Take a look below for some inspiration in relation to the 2024 course.

Track plans will be forwarded to everyone registered a few days before the Two-Days Walk.

(Re)new(ed) 50KM tracks from Brugge to Blankenberge

On Saturday, we will again venture 50 KM and start from Bruges (Railwaystation side Sint-Michiels) and walk as far as Blankenberge. We continue to ensure plenty of variety and so have revamped large sections of the track.

7, 15 and 24KM tracks in and around Blankenberge

The other distances (7, 15 and 24 km) will continue to depart from Blankenberge.

NB The 7, 15 and 24 KM on Saturday are not the same as on Sunday.

(Re)new(ed) 32KM tracks

On Sunday, we start from Blankenberge and are introduced to a (re)new(ed) 32 km track. The course mainly flirts with the coastline.

The longest distances trek as far as Zuienkerke and De Haan.

7, 15 and 24KM tracks in and around Blankenberge

The other distances (7, 15 and 24 km) will continue to depart from Blankenberge.

NB The 7, 15 and 24 KM on Sunday are not the same as on Saturday.

Start and arrival

You can start from

  • 50 KM: 07:00 to 08:00 (on Saturday only)
  • 32 KM: 08:00 to 12:00 (on Sunday only)
  • 24 KM: 08:00 to 12:00
  • 15 & 7 KM: 09:00 to 15:00

The arrival will be open from 10:00 to 18:00. On Saturday, arrivals will remain open until 19:00 for the 50 KM.

Note: The various rest stops, checkpoints and free sampling points are only open on these distances from 09:00 onwards. These close according to the 18:00 arrival time (or 19:00 for the 50 KM).

Find out more about the exact location of start and arrival at How to get there?


On the 7 km and the 15 km, we have made some adjustments here and there so that these too are wheelchair-friendly (and pram-friendly).

Note. Some short sections deviate from the normal course and will be marked separately.

I walk green

The focus on the environment and fair trade is maintained. In this respect, the Two-Days Walk aims to remain an example for other events.

More info on Walking green: this is how to do it.

I walk safely

We also put an emphasis on safety. Walkers will be able to sign the ‘I walk safely’ charter before heading out onto the tracks. In doing so, they take into account the following focal points: ‘I pay attention‘, ‘I walk where I have to‘, ‘I stand out‘.

More info on I walk safely.